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不锈钢截止阀用途及规范标准   发布时间:23-06-20

Stainless Steel Globe Valve Usage and Standards (不锈钢截止阀用途及规范标准)

Introduction (介绍)
Stainless steel globe valve is a type of shut-off valve that can be used to stop or regulate the flow of fluids such as water, oil, or gas in pipeline systems. It is widely used in various industries such as petroleum, chemical, natural gas, and other related industries. It is an important component in the liquid transport and control system of these industries.


Standards (规范标准)
There are many standards for stainless steel globe valves, the following are some commonly used standards in China:


1. GB/T 12237-2007 - Industrial Metal Valves - Globe Valves.
2. HG/T 20592-2009 - Steel Globe Valves, Flanged and Butt-welding Ends.
3. JIS B2071-2000 - Steel Globe Valve.
4. ANSI B16.34-2004 - Valves-Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End.

1. GB/T 12237-2007 - 工业金属阀门 截止阀
2. HG/T 20592-2009 - 钢制法兰和对焊截止阀
3. JIS B2071-2000 - 钢制截止阀
4. ANSI B16.34-2004 - 阀门-法兰, 螺纹和焊接端

Usage (用途)
Stainless steel globe valves are used for a variety of purposes such as isolation, throttling and corrosive fluids services. They are widely applied in various industries such as petroleum, chemical, natural gas, and other related fields. Stainless steel globe valves are used to control the flow and pressure of fluids such as water, oil or gas in pipelines.


Conclusion (总结)
Stainless steel globe valves are a critical component of many industries. They can be used for isolation, throttling, and the control of fluids such as water, oil or gas in pipelines. The standards mentioned above provide guidelines for construction and usage, ensuring that the valves meet the safety and performance requirements of different industries.

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